Instructor Tahmid
Last Update 08/04/2024
Completion Time 1 hour 25 minutes
Enrolled Students 1
Class - 6 Mst. Mafiza Afroz Bithi
  • Course Overview
    • Course Objective
    • Course Outcome
    • Course Outline
  • Lecture-1:
    • Lesson-1 and 2- Economic Way of Life
  • Lecture-2:
    • Lesson-3- Economic Sectors of Bangladesh
  • Lecture-3:
    • Lesson-4,5- Prospect of Economic Development f Bangladesh, Skilled Manpower
  • Lecture-4:
    • MCQ and CQ discussion from exercise
  • Lecture-5:
    • One Word Answers, Unseen CQ and Extra Qs. Discussion
  • Bangladesh and Global Studies Survey/ Feedback
    • Survey on Bangladesh and Global Studies