Instructor Tahmid
Last Update 08/03/2024
Completion Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Enrolled Students 1
Sharmin Jahan
  • Course Overview
    • Course Objective
    • Course Outcome
    • Course Outline
  • Chapter- 9 Social and National Assets
    • F, OWA
  • Chapter- 10: (Geography of Asia)
    • B
    • F, OWA2
  • Chapter- 1 Our Environment and Society
    • Lecture-3 - M_J, O_W_A.pdf
  • Chapter-2 Co- operation in Society
    • Lecture-3 - MCQ, O_W_A
  • Chapter – 3: Ethnic Groups of Bangladesh
    • Lecture-3 - O_W_A, S_Q
  • Bangladesh and Global Studies Survey/ Feedback
    • Survey on Bangladesh and Global Studies